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Death Penalty


What’s next for the death penalty debate in Nebraska?

It’s hard to imagine that after all that work done to pass repeal in Nebraska, the debate over the death penalty is still not over. But it’s not. Why? Because some lawmakers are clinging so desperately to the death penalty that they are scrambling to get illegal execution drugs and trying to force the issue…

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Texas has not sentenced anyone to death in 2015

While Texas may seem like an outlier in the national trend away from the death penalty, even the Lone Star State is turning away from the antiquated, broken system. For the first time in more than 20 years, no jury in the previous 6-month period has imposed the death penalty. Read the full story in…

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Why do innocent people plead guilty?

Some recent high profile exonerations featured defendants who confessed to crimes they did not commit. One new study presents research into some of the causes of these “false confessions” by looking at cases where innocent people plead guilty and confessed to rapes they never actually committed. Read about the study in The Crime Report.

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Summit For Change

EJUSA joins the Sojourners #SummitForChange. Watch LIVE

EJUSA is thrilled and honored to be a part of this year’s Sojourner’s Summit for Change, starting this evening and going through noon on Saturday. National Organizer Heather Beaudoin was nominated to participate and selected from a pool of applicants to be a part of the conference in Washington, DC that brings together 300 global…

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Geek Guide

Your guide to the Nebraska death penalty referendum process

Wondering how it’s possible that Nebraska is still debating the death penalty, even though legislators passed repeal (over the Governor’s veto) in the Spring? We’ve got you covered. After the popularity of our geeky guide to the Nebraska legislative process, we’ve put together an equally geeky guide to the referendum process that’s unfolding now. Nebraska’s…

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Be sure Nebraska lawmakers get your ‘Thank You’ note!

Don’t miss your chance to send a “Thank You” note to the Nebraska lawmakers who voted to end the death penalty. We’re teaming up with our longtime partners atNebraskans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty to deliver your appreciation to all 30 Nebraska Senators who voted to override the Governor’s veto and end the death…

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Sandy Rosenberg and Shari Silberstein

It was the most profound thing I will ever do

By Maryland State Delegate Sandy Rosenberg, with Tom Waldron Repealing the death penalty in Maryland was an arduous task that took many years – with many ups and downs. It culminated in 2013, when the General Assembly passed Senate Bill 276, Death Penalty Repeal – Substitution of Life Without the Possibility of Parole, with the crucial…

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Thank the Nebraska Senators who ended the death penalty

It is vital that lawmakers hear from the people afterthey deliver, not just before a vote when we ask for their support. Last week, 30 Senators in Nebraska declared the death penalty is ineffective, costly, unfair, harmful for victims’ families, and risks dangerous mistakes. They made Nebraska the 19th state – and the first “red”…

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Remembering a devoted supporter in Nebraska

Norma Fleisher’s is also a conversion story. She supported the death penalty until 1999, when she ministered to prisoners on Tennessee’s death row. On her return to Nebraska, she became one of the hardest working supporters of repeal, driving more than 4,000 miles through every Nebraska county to talk about the death penalty to anyone…

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Lindstrom, Hilkemann, & Coash

Nebraska Senators and their death penalty conversions

We’ve learned a lot about the death penalty in the last 35 years. Many people, however, still don’t know just how broken the policy is. This January, 17 freshmen lawmakers embarked on their first legislative session in Nebraska. Some of them had only thought about the death penalty from a philosophical or emotional standpoint, never…

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