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Death Penalty

Kathleen & Ben at the CCATDP Table

Libertarian and pro-life conferences highlight death penalty repeal

Conservatives Concerned about the Death Penalty (CCATDP), a project of EJUSA, crisscrossed the country in April. CCATDP’s National Coordinator Marc Hyden made trips to Tennessee and Utah, while I traveled to Orlando for the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) Florida State Convention and then to Philadelphia for the Life/Peace/Justice Conference. Our participation in these conferences…

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Duane Buck

Case of racial bias on appeal to Supreme Court

Duane Buck was sentenced to death in Texas after his own lawyer called an “expert” who testified that Buck was more likely to be dangerous in the future because he is black. At this crucial moment, when our nation is addressing racial bias in the criminal justice system, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to…

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Georgia refused to listen. Share your outrage.

Thank you so much for your letter last week to the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles. Thanks to people like you, we generated over 650 letters to stop an execution tainted by racial bias and a sleeping lawyer. Georgia refused to listen. Kenneth Fults was executed last night for the 1997 killing of Cathy…

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Recommended: “How the death penalty may keep innocent people in prison”

Rodney Lincoln, Malcolm Scott, and De’Marchoe Carpenter are serving life in prison. They all insist they are innocent. Evidence suggests that other men committed the crimes – which could lead to exonerations if they confessed. The problem? The men have already been executed. Read the full story at rawstory.com

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Shelby Farah at graducation, courtesy of Darlene Farah

Another Family harmed by murder and the fight over the death penalty

Shelby Farah was a bright, compassionate, determined 20-year-old when she was shot to death during a robbery at the Metro-PCS store where she worked. Shelby’s murder shocked the community in Jacksonville, Florida, and her family has spent the last two and a half years grieving their loss. The death penalty has added to this trauma,…

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“Canvassing,” by Olivia Chow. CC BY 2.0, via Flickr.

Campaign 2016: Talking to your candidates about the death penalty

The presidential election is in full swing. And the louder the race gets, the easier it is forget about the “down ballot” races for state legislature, mayor, county council, county prosecutor, and more. In these races, the opportunity for meaningful dialogue with candidates is much more likely. I’m here to encourage you to talk to…

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"State of Utah Capitol Building" by vxla. CC BY 2.0, via Flickr.

Death penalty repeal gains momentum in Utah

Utah Senators approved legislation to repeal the death penalty last night by a vote of 20-9! The Republican sponsor of the bill, Senator Steve Urquhart, used to support the death penalty. Just last year, he joined most of his Republican colleagues (only 5 of the 29 Senators in Utah are Democrats) in a vote to bring…

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2014 Pastoral Visit of Pope Francis to Korea

Halt executions during Year of Mercy, says Pope Francis

by Megan Ward, Catholic Mobilizing Network Pope Francis has become a torchbearer of peace and justice, not just for Catholics, but also for many people around the globe. Last week, he appealed directly to public officials, especially those who are Catholic, to “make a courageous and exemplary gesture by seeking a moratorium on executions during…

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From the Field
Delaware Black Leaders for Repeal

Huge strides made in repeal efforts in Delaware

Lawmakers in Delaware allowed a bill to repeal the death penalty to get a full debate on the House floor for the first time. The bill had been stuck in the House Judiciary Committee for the last several years. The growing coalition in Delaware is fired up at having broken through the logjam. Though the…

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Take Action in Delaware

Help end the death penalty in Delaware!

The bill to repeal the death penalty will be debated on the House floor this Thursday, January 28. After being stalled in committee for three years, the full House will finally get a chance to weigh in. Now is the time to contact your Representative and tell him/her to say YES to repeal. Delaware’s death…

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