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Death Penalty

Nebraska state Sen. Colby Coash

Meet the red-state conservatives fighting to abolish the death penalty

In college, Senator Colby Coash celebrated at a tailgate party outside of a prison during an execution. Now he’s part of the growing conservative movement to end the death penalty in the United States – a movement that EJUSA’s Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty has helped spawn. Read The Washington Post’s in-depth article about…

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A sign is pictured at a makeshift memorial for victims of a mass shooting, outside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, June 22, 2015.

Ta-Nehisi Coates on a possible death sentence in Charleston church

In June 2015, Dylann Roof allegedly killed nine African Americans in a mass shooting in a black church in Charleston last year. The families of the victims responded to the tragedy with powerful messages of forgiveness. Now, the DOJ has declared it wants to execute Roof for the crime, even though his death by lethal…

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Executing Grace by Shane Claiborne

Evangelical activist Shane Claiborne shares his support for death penalty repeal in new book

  Is anyone beyond redemption? What does true justice look like? Does God support capital punishment? These are a few of the questions raised in a new book, Executing Grace, by Shane Claiborne. The book was released yesterday and is available at your local (or online) bookstore. Claiborne is a prominent Christian speaker, activist, and…

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Death penalty chaos around the country

Nevada just became the ninth death penalty state to go a decade or more without an execution. Add those nine to the 19 states without capital punishment, and you have 28 states that have abandoned executions in either law or practice. And in the remaining states? The death penalty is in complete chaos. Florida’s death…

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U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear Duane Buck’s racial bias death penalty case

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court announced it would hear arguments in Buck v. Stephens, a death penalty case raising extraordinary issues of racial bias. Duane Buck is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a lower court’s ruling that his case did not warrant re-consideration, despite his claim that his lawyer was constitutionally ineffective for knowingly…

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Meet the red-state conservatives fighting to abolish the death penalty

Conservatives Concerned about the Death Penalty was featured in the Sunday edition of the Washington Post. The article’s author, Marin Cogan, interviewed CCATDP’s Heather Beaudoin and myself, and Cogan highlighted why conservatives are increasingly changing their views on the death penalty. She wrote, Beaudoin reaches out to evangelical and other faith-based leaders and gets them…

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Recommended this week

“Recommended this week” features highlights from the past week in news about the death penalty, crime survivors, and trauma-informed responses to crime. Meet the red-state conservatives fighting to abolish the death penalty, The Washington Post In college, Senator Colby Coash celebrated at a tailgate party outside of a prison during an execution. Now he’s part of the growing…

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Marc Hyden on Tipping Point

CCATDP’s Marc Hyden on Tipping Point with Liz Wheeler

Last week, I was a guest on Tipping Point with Liz Wheeler to discuss Oklahoma’s damning grand jury report on their lethal injection scandal and Florida’s unconstitutional death penalty. You can watch the segment below: Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty (CCATDP), a project of Equal Justice USA, is a network of political and social…

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Leading Latino Coalition Calls for End of the Death Penalty in U.S.

Group’s landmark policy agenda addresses criminal justice for the first time The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA), a coalition of 40 prominent Latino organizations, has called for repeal of the death penalty. Collectively, the NHLA leads advocacy behind pressing civil rights and policy issues impacting the 58-million Latinos living in the U.S. The NHLA Public…

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Veterans on Death Row

Tuesday, May 24, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm NYC Bar Association, 42 West 44th St, NYC Sponsored by the New York City Bar Association’s Committees on Capital Punishment and the Military Affairs & Justice Although it is difficult to determine a precise number, it is estimated that approximately ten percent of the America’s 3000 Death Row…

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