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Death Penalty


Evangelical leaders call upon Texas to stop scheduled execution

Almost 50 Evangelical leaders from Texas and around the country called upon state officials to stop the execution of Jeff Wood. In a letter released Monday, the religious leaders urged Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Board of Paroles and Pardons to grant Wood a new sentencing hearing, saying he “never should have been sentenced…

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Delaware Black Leaders for Repeal press conference

Another state ends the death penalty

Yesterday, Delaware’s death penalty was ruled unconstitutional! “Delaware’s death penalty is gone,” said EJUSA’s Executive Director Shari Silberstein. “It’s only a matter of time before the whole house of cards that is the death penalty in the United States comes crashing down.” Delaware joins the growing number of states that have abandoned the death penalty…

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Recommended this week

“Recommended this week” features highlights from the past week in news about the death penalty, crime survivors, and trauma-informed responses to crime. Retain a Just Nebraska – Kirk Bloodsworth, Innocence The campaign to keep the death penalty out of Nebraska released its first TV spot this month, featuring the first man to be exonerated from death row…

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Delaware Black Leaders for Repeal press conference

State courts wrestle with U.S. Supreme Court death penalty rulings. Now up: Delaware!

On June 16, 2016, the Delaware Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Rauf v State, a case that will decide the future of Delaware’s death penalty. This case is the latest ripple effect from the U.S. Supreme Court’s Hurst v Florida ruling earlier this year, which struck down Florida’s death penalty and impacts other states,…

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CCATDP Conference display

Trend away from death penalty on display at conservative conference in Denver

More than 4,000 people are expected to attend the 7th annual Western Conservative Summit, said to be the largest gathering of conservatives outside of the annual CPAC conference in Washington, DC. Also known as “Rally in the Rockies,” the 3-day event takes place this weekend in Denver. EJUSA’s Marc Hyden will be attending the conference…

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Sign on for families of homicide victims

Dawn Mancarella, a member of EJUSA’s Crime Survivor Network, put out a special appeal today for family members of murder victims to sign on to suspend use of the death penalty in a key Florida county. If you’ve lost a family member to murder, read Dawn’s letter below and consider taking action. If you know of…

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Recommended this week

“Recommended this week” features highlights from the past week in news about the death penalty, crime survivors, and trauma-informed responses to crime. Letter from Jack The Reverend Dr. Jack Sullivan, Jr., Facebook A beautiful message in reaction to last weekend’s tragedy in Orlando from our friend and the Executive Director at Murder Victims’ Families for Reconciliation. Delaware Supreme…

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California: Stop experimenting with lethal injection!

Thank you so much to everyone who has written to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) about the flaws in their proposed lethal injection procedures. Thousands of comments have been submitted, calling on California to leave executions is the past – where they belong. There is still time for you to speak out….

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Recommended this week

“Recommended this week” features highlights from the past week in news about the death penalty, crime survivors, and trauma-informed responses to crime. Supreme Court To Hear Cases Challenging Two Texas Death Sentences, Buzzfeed The high court agrees to hear the death penalty cases of Duane Buck and Bobby James Moore. After nearly 40 years, murder charges dropped against…

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U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of Pennsylvania death row inmate Terrance Williams

In a 5-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice should have recused himself in the case of Terrance Williams. The judge in question, Justice Ronald Castille had been the District Attorney of Philadelphia and had participated in Williams’ original death penalty original death penalty trial. The following is a press…

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