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Kathleen & Ben at the CCATDP Table

Libertarian and pro-life conferences highlight death penalty repeal

Conservatives Concerned about the Death Penalty (CCATDP), a project of EJUSA, crisscrossed the country in April. CCATDP’s National Coordinator Marc Hyden made trips to Tennessee and Utah, while I traveled to Orlando for the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) Florida State Convention and then to Philadelphia for the Life/Peace/Justice Conference. Our participation in these conferences…

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Shelby Farah at graducation, courtesy of Darlene Farah

Another Family harmed by murder and the fight over the death penalty

Shelby Farah was a bright, compassionate, determined 20-year-old when she was shot to death during a robbery at the Metro-PCS store where she worked. Shelby’s murder shocked the community in Jacksonville, Florida, and her family has spent the last two and a half years grieving their loss. The death penalty has added to this trauma,…

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From the Field
Delaware Black Leaders for Repeal

Huge strides made in repeal efforts in Delaware

Lawmakers in Delaware allowed a bill to repeal the death penalty to get a full debate on the House floor for the first time. The bill had been stuck in the House Judiciary Committee for the last several years. The growing coalition in Delaware is fired up at having broken through the logjam. Though the…

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The Supreme Court Building

Supreme Court’s next death penalty case looks at roles of judge, jury

Continuing its look at death penalty, the Supreme Court will hear argument on Tuesday in Hurst v. Florida to decide whether Florida’s practices in capital trials are constitutional. At issue in Hurst is whether a judge properly imposed a death sentence without the necessary fact-finding by a jury. Florida is one of the few states…

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Governors Wolf and Brown

Trend away from death penalty continues as states and courts halt executions

In 2014, the United States saw its fewest executions in twenty years. Now, less than a quarter of the way into 2015, two new governors – Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania and Kate Brown of Oregon – have declared a halt to executions in their states. In other states, lingering questions over lethal injection are also…

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Our Impact

Movement Gains in 2001

Moratorium bills passed the Nevada Senate and the Maryland House of Delegates. A moratorium amendment lost by only 3 votes in the Connecticut House, while Texas bills passed committees in both legislative houses. Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Missouri, and North Carolina enacted legislation banning the execution of the mentally retarded. 17 states improved access to post-conviction…

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