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New State’s Attorney in Florida wants to start CIU

Florida prosecutors have played a major role in creating an unjust criminal justice system with their ability to decide who to prosecute and what charges to file. Several prosecutors in the state had a history of extreme overzealousness and seemed to forget the community they were elected to represent. They charged children as young as…

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DPIC 2016 End of Year Report

Year-end report of 2016 shows continued decline

The death penalty continued its historic decline in 2016, according to the year-end report put out by the Death Penalty Information Center. The report found: The number of death sentenced imposed by American juries was lower than in any other year since the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1972. The 30 death sentences from…

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Event participants help light 386 candles, one for each person on Florida's death row.

EJUSA helps lead Cities for Life event in St Augustine, FL

Community members joined murder victims’ family members, religious leaders, families of of death row inmates, and a death row exoneree for a “Cities For Life” event in St. Augustine last week, hosted by EJUSA and the Diocese of St. Augustine. EJUSA’s National Organizer Christine Henderson emceed the evening, which featured the lighting of 386 candles,…

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Florida death penalty ruled unconstitutional…again

Last month, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that death row inmate Timothy Hurst is entitled to a new sentencing hearing because the jury in his case was not unanimous in recommending a death sentence. The Court held that both the Florida and U.S. Constitutions require a unanimous jury recommendation of death to be able to…

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Recommended this week

“Recommended this week” features highlights from the past week in news about the death penalty, crime survivors, and trauma-informed responses to crime. Three States to Watch if You Care About the Death Penalty, The Marshall Project Voters in Oklahoma, Nebraska, and California will face death penalty questions at the polls. The Marshall Project looks at what’s on the…

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Death Penalty Support Plunges to 40-Year Low – an update from CCATDP

Florida’s death penalty has remained in the national spotlight as of late. In January, the Sunshine State’s capital sentencing scheme was ruled unconstitutional because it gave judges, rather than jurors, too much power in the death penalty sentencing process. As a result, Florida’s legislature passed a bill requiring at least a 10-2 jury vote in…

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Florida Faith Leaders Press Conference

Faith Leaders call for suspension of death penalty in Florida ‘outlier’ counties

This morning, religious leaders from Hillsborough and Pinellas counties in Florida held a press conference to react to a report from Harvard’s Fair Punishment Project, branding the counties as “outliers” due to their overuse of the death penalty. Press conference participants released a letter to the State Attorney’s Office signed by more than 75 local religious leaders…

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Report: Too Broken to Fix

Report: America’s outlier death penalty counties

Harvard’s Fair Punishment Project released the second installment of a report showing the dysfunction in the use of the death penalty in the only 16 counties that continue to use it with any regularity. “Too Broken to Fix: An In-depth Look at America’s Outlier Death Penalty Counties,” looks at the 16 “outlier counties” – of 3,143 counties…

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Recommended this week

“Recommended this week” features highlights from the past week in news about the death penalty, crime survivors, and trauma-informed responses to crime. Execution drop makes some think death penalty is fading away, Associated Press The end is near. Executions are on track to hit a 25-year low in 2016. Colorado Rep Don Pabon on John Fugelsang’s ‘Tell Me Everything’,…

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Press Conference at Duval County Courthouse

Florida county responds after death penalty ‘outlier’ report

A new report from Harvard’s Fair Punishment Project found that the few counties that still use the death penalty are highly dysfunctional. One of the counties they identified is Duval County, Florida – a place where EJUSA organizer, Christine Henderson, lives and works. Christine and our local allies were outraged that their hometown’s record on…

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