

Expanding Grassroots Momentum and Organization

Nationwide, 63 local governments and nearly 2,000 national, state, and local organizations and faith communities have adopted resolutions urging a moratorium. Equal Justice USA maintains this national listing on its National Tally. Momentum continued after September 11 with the Lincoln, Nebraska City Council; West Hollywood and Santa Clara County, California; and Cincinnati, Ohio all adopting…

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From the Field

Hope for 2002: State by State

In many ways, 2001 was a laboratory year in which state-based moratorium strategies were tested and strengthened. 2002 offers new openings to advance the national movement. We embark on a multi-year organizing offensive, State by State: from the grassroots to the statehouse. The aim is to improve and expand our national efforts to strategically sharpen,…

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From the Field
Lois & Ken Robinson hold a photo of their mentally-ill son Larry during his execution at Huntsville, TX, on January 21.

Activists Gather in Texas to Organize Towards Moratorium

Plagued with campaign trail questions about the moratorium in Illinois, and the likelihood that the innocent will be executed, Governor George Bush keeps insisting on the guilt of everyone he has executed. No wonder. Already this year, Texas has sent 13 people to its execution chamber, including 62-year old domestic violence victim Bettie Lou Beets….

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Take a moratorium resolution to your local government

2000 is the year to bring home the movement for a moratorium! To date, 12 local governments have passed moratorium resolutions. [See page 1.] Your town, city or county can be the next addition to the ever-growing tally of municipalities calling for a halt on executions! Bringing a resolution before your local government is probably…

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Moratorium Bill Introduced in House

Innocence Bill Introduced in Senate Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. introduced HR 3623, “The Accuracy In Judicial Administration Act of 2000” (AJA), on February 10. The AJA would impose a minimum 7-year national moratorium on all U.S. executions until all inmates currently sitting on death row have an opportunity to explore potentially exculpatory DNA and…

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Four Major Cities Urge Moratorium

With populations around one million people, Philadelphia, Baltimore, San Francisco and Pittsburgh are the largest U.S. cities to date to call for a moratorium on executions. Each city’s action came within a month of Governor Ryan’s declaration of a moratorium in Illinois. Eight other local governments have also asked lawmakers to stop and take a closer…

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Race of Defendants Approved for Federal Death Penalty Prosecution

Clinton Urged to Declare Moratorium

On January 31 – the day Governor George Ryan announced a moratorium in Illinois – Senator Russ Feingold took to the Senate floor to urge President Clinton to impose a moratorium on federal executions. “The problems of inadequate representation, lack of access to DNA testing, police misconduct, racial bias and even simple errors are not…

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Governor Ryan

Illinois Governor Halts Executions

Governor George Ryan declared an indefinite moratorium on executions in Illinois on January 31. Calling the prospect of executing an innocent person “the ultimate nightmare,” Ryan declared, “Until I can be sure with moral certainty that no innocent man or woman is facing lethal injection, no one will meet that fate.” Illinois has exonerated more…

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From the Field

How I Helped Texas Kill Billy Hughes

It is 6:00 pm, January 24, 2000, and I am walking across the open space between the “Justice” Building and the Walls Unit, Huntsville, Texas. Thirty State Troopers, in full uniform, stand at attention to my left. I have come to witness the execution of my friend, Billy Hughes, convicted of killing a police officer…

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Take a moratorium resolution to your local government

2000 is the year to bring home the movement for a moratorium! To date, 12 local governments have passed moratorium resolutions. Your town, city or county can be the next addition to the ever-growing tally of municipalities calling for a halt on executions! Bringing a resolution before your local government is probably easier than you…

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