

Mothers turn pain into action

What do people affected by crime and those affected by the criminal justice system have in common? A lot more than is commonly believed – since people of color are most likely to be victims of crime and the targets of our justice system’s over-reliance on incarceration. This reality was front and center at this…

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National Latino Evangelical Coalition calls for a closer look at the death penalty

The National Latino Evangelical Coalition (NaLEC), a coalition of over 3,000 Hispanic evangelical churches, released a call yesterday for “Hispanic evangelical leaders to closely examine their stance on capital punishment and mass incarceration.” President of NaLEC, Rev. Gabriel Salguero, says that the death penalty is “too broken to ensure that innocent persons are not executed.”…

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“The best part of my job is the people.”

Name: Colleen Cunningham Position: Campaign Strategist Years on the team: 4 Why is EJUSA’s work important? EJUSA works. Before I was on staff, I benefited from our services as a state partner. When you are working for a small state organization, the support, mentorship, and resources that EJUSA provides are truly invaluable. It’s more than…

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Director's Corner

What’s wrong with these words? Controversial, courageous, brave, hard.

Recently, I gave a talk at the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty’s annual conference about words we should stop using when we talk about the death penalty. They’re words like: controversial, courageous, brave, hard. These words send the wrong message. They give the impression that only a few people can change the conversation…

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Press Release

Maryland To Dedicate Support for Families of Murder Victims For the First Time

New funding comes from savings from repealing the death penalty Maryland’s FY15 budget, passed today, includes new funding ($500,000) for support and services to family members of homicide victims. This special designation puts Maryland in the vanguard of states recognizing the needs of this often overlooked population of crime victims. Companion legislation to require ongoing…

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The Exonorees Come to Delaware

Last month, 13 death row exonorees from Witness to Innocence came to Delaware to share their stories and speak out for repeal of the death penalty. Audiences across the state were moved to hear their heart-wrenching stories of years wrongfully spent on death row. “Each exoneree’s story reminds us why this campaign is so important,”…

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“Pumping Oxygen into the Room”

EJUSA Executive Director Shari Silberstein and EJUSA’s longtime friend and partner, Jonathan Gradess, are featured in the Winter 2014 issue of the Government, Law and Policy Journal from the New York State Bar Association. Jonathan is the former Board Chair of New Yorkers for Alternatives to the Death Penalty and now sits on EJUSA’s Board…

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A Huge Step Towards Better Support for Murder Victims’ Families in Maryland

Yesterday Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley released his budget. For the first time ever, the budget included $500,000 to assist families of homicide victims! EJUSA supporters joined with Maryland Citizens Against State Executions and other coalition partners to send thousands of messages to Governor O’Malley last year asking him to use savings from ending the death…

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Our Impact

What you did in 2013

There are only a few days left in 2013, but I’m already feeling nostalgic – and grateful. You helped us accomplish so much this year. Because of your support: Maryland became the sixth state in six years to end the death penalty this May. And when a small group of repeal opponents tried to “repeal…

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North Carolina poll shows state is moving away from the death penalty

A recent survey by Public Policy Polling found that nearly 70% of the residents of North Carolina support ending the death penalty if the offenders pay restitution to victims’ families, are required to work, and remain in prison for life. A majority of the poll-takers who identified themselves as politically conservative said they also favor…

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