
Multi-colored illustration of healing.

BHM Recommendations

This Black History Month, immerse yourself in stories that highlight Black resilience, history, and culture through powerful books, podcasts, and museums. Let this be a time of learning, reflection, and deeper engagement with the past to shape a more just future. LISTEN: 40 Acres and a Lie This podcast, from Reveal and the Center for…

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Khlilia, founder of forever takes a village

Forever Takes a Village

Imagine living in a community where children can’t play outside, morning coffee on the porch feels unsafe, and the streets are marked by violence instead of connection. For many in Bogalusa, Louisiana, this has been the reality. Yet, amidst the challenges, seeds of change began to grow with the help and determination from people like…

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White house for federal funding email action

The Threat to Safety

The second week of this new White House administration brings another crushing wave of executive orders and federal directives. This week, they are attempting to freeze $3 trillion of taxpayer money — lawfully approved and allocated by Congress — that funds critical life-saving work in neighborhoods, cities, and states across this country. The potential harm…

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people in a circle at healing justice

What is Healing Justice?

In our Healing Justice work at EJUSA, we have created a sacred space for survivors, victims’ family members, service providers, and those impacted by the justice system, who work to build safety and change national conversations around violence, trauma, and healing.  Modeling the Kindred Collective Model, we are creating our conditions for wellness and resilience…

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picture of RJ team at RJ circles

Expanding Restorative Justice

When the Restorative Justice Project joined Equal Justice USA in 2023, we knew they were ready to grow their work — and that the world needed greater access to restorative justice. This past year, the first significant step in that growth occurred as we partnered with four new communities to launch restorative justice diversion programs….

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Director's Corner
Photograph of the Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama

The Hope We Need

I will remember this holiday break as a special one. My youngest daughter expressed a new interest in movies about Black history, and I was all in! We watched some inspirational movies focused on the roles of Black women, like the new film The Six Triple Eight, depicting the first and only Women’s Army Corps…

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Individual holding crystals

Rest, Recharge, Rebuild

Greetings in this new year.   Just weeks ago, I had the pleasure of traveling to Arizona to the EJUSA retreat that was so on time! Our team’s time together was a ray of collective light.  It came, however, against a hard background and reality… Daniel Penny, the ‘unofficial’ killer of Jordan Neely, was cleared by…

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Press Release

Thousands of Leaders, Advocates, Civil Servants and Activists Call on President Biden to Commute Federal Death Row

(December 9, 2024) Thousands of stakeholders from across the political and faith spectrums are calling on President Joe Biden to commute all federal death sentences before he leaves office. The group includes Black pastors, Catholics, former corrections officials, civil rights advocates, current and former prosecutors, families who have lost loved ones to homicide, pro-life conservatives,…

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EJUSA all Staff Circle.

Take Care Today

Over the last week, I have been flooded with calls from friends, family, and people across our network of healers. Many of them have asked me how I’m doing, many have asked for support. I’ve heard fear, rage, grief, anxiety, and confusion. All have told me how tired they are. So they reached out, because…

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Director's Corner
EJUSA presenting on building community power in Bogalusa, LA.

Care and Community

This morning we woke to heaviness and uncertainty. We cannot predict the future, but there is no denying: we elected a president who promised retribution, who dehumanized so many people, and who spewed blatant hate and harm. It remains to be seen how deep and how wide the impact will be of this election, but…

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