

The Change We Seek

Ruth Rollins is the founder and executive director of We Are Better Together, Warren Daniel Hairston Project (WAB2G), based in Boston. Her organization provides emotional and financial support as well as advocacy for both victims of gun violence and those who cause harm. She’s also a member of EJUSA’s Trauma & Healing Network. We spoke…

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Lionel Latouche, EJUSA's senior project manager for Trauma to Trust

Healing the Healers

Five months ago, cities and states across the U.S. initiated a series of shelter-in-place orders as COVID-19 surged for the first time. Communities experienced waves of grief, loss, and economic insecurity. With the pandemic far from over, Black and Brown Americans continue to bear the brunt of its impact, and of the layered collective trauma…

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Director's Corner

Our Anti-Racist Vision for Police Accountability

To transform our justice system, we must change the way we think about accountability. Our culture of punishment as accountability has never made us safer. But there are models of accountability that heal rather than harm. EJUSA has a vision for how this kind of accountability can apply to policing for the damage and pain…

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What would non-police first responders look like?

Reimagining Justice This Month | July 2020 Reimagining Justice This Month highlights stories about effective responses to violence – responses that disrupt cycles of violence, heal trauma, and address structural racism. What Would Non-police First Responders Look Like?, The Appeal/NowThis News Police officers can spend as little as 1% of their time responding to violence….

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Newark redirects police funds to establish citywide anti-violence office

Reimagining Justice This Month | June 2020 Reimagining Justice This Month highlights stories about effective responses to violence – responses that disrupt cycles of violence, heal trauma, and address structural racism. Ordinance Outlawing White Supremacy, Establishing Anti-Violence Office Signed into Law, TapInto Last Wednesday, the Newark City Council passed an ordinance to redirect funds away…

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Equal Justice USA awarded $200,000 grant from the Simmons Sister Fund at Texas Women’s Foundation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, June 12, 2020 Contact: Patrick Egan | 718-551-6603 | Equal Justice USA awarded $200,000 grant from the Simmons Sister Fund at Texas Women’s Foundation Grant will Support Ongoing Efforts to Transform Justice System and Break Cycles of Trauma New York, NY – Equal Justice USA (EJUSA) was awarded a grant of…

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Stand Against Federal Executions!

The Trump administration announced on Monday another attempt to resume the federal death penalty by scheduling the executions of four people. We need your help to prevent these executions from going forward.

Act Now
A large group of people gather outside of a state building in New York City holding posters against police brutality

Defund the Police? What it really means and how we get there: an EJUSA primer

George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police officers has sparked outrage and action across the nation. As protests escalated over the last 10 days, so too has a growing call to defund the police. Many have reacted to this call to action with enthusiasm, confusion, or fear. But this powerful demand does not eradicate our public…

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Director's Corner
A large and diverse group of protesters holds signs decrying the murder of George Floyd

The Fight of Our Lifetimes

To our EJUSA family, Last week, George Floyd became the latest chapter in America’s history of racial terror when a police officer in Minneapolis killed him in broad daylight, in front of multiple cameras, while three other officers watched. This weekend, the pent-up grief, trauma, and rage that this triggered poured onto streets across the…

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Image of George Floyd

Statement from Equal Justice USA on the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 28, 2020 Contact: Patrick Egan, 718-551-6603, In response to the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police, Equal Justice USA issued the following statement: “Six years after Eric Garner cried ‘I can’t breathe’ at the hands of police in New York City, another Black man cried the same in Minneapolis,”…

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