
A poster for the event reads "The Right to Repair: Hope and Healing in the Wake of Violence". The words are white text surrounded by a turquoise box. Behind the text, a black and white photo of two hands holding one another.

The Right to Repair

Can you imagine a world where we work together to repair the harm that is caused by violence? Where we work to understand the root causes of violence and deliver healing for all those impacted by harm? That vision is already taking shape! On Tuesday, November 10, EJUSA hosted “The Right to Repair: Hope &…

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A Mover of Mountains

The world lost a giant yesterday. Bill Pelke, founder of Journey of Hope…from Violence to Forgiveness, passed away in his home in Alaska after suffering a heart attack. Bill is the heart behind the anti-death penalty’s powerful mantra “love and compassion for all of humanity.” He came to this vision — and spread the message…

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Facilitation Tools for Virtual Times

Working on the frontlines to build community safety and prevent violence is incredibly hard work in the best of times. The COVID-19 pandemic multiplied the degree of difficulty because the work is about relationships, it’s about seeing people face to face and building trust and camaraderie. In the first months of the pandemic, we spent…

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Dr. Dorothy Johnson-Speight, Mothers in Charge, Inc.

Healing Trauma to Change Narratives

Dear Reader, In 2001, my son, Khaaliq, was murdered over a parking spot dispute. He was a young social worker, determined to serve children and families in our community. Together, we were going to start an organization that would do just that. I felt so much grief and trauma after his death, and I thought…

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If we want to change our justice system…

Reimagining Justice This Month | September 2020 Reimagining Justice This Month highlights stories about effective responses to violence – responses that disrupt cycles of violence, heal trauma, and address structural racism. If we want to change our justice system, we have to change the way we talk about it, Represent Justice Words Matter. When we…

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A poster for the film "A Prison Within". A man with a shaved head stands in front of a prison, looking up toward the sky. He is wearing a long sleeved white shirt.

Learning the Stories of Trauma

San Quentin State Prison is notorious for a number of reasons. Located north of San Francisco, it is home to the nation’s largest death row — 737 people when Gov. Gavin Newsom put a moratorium on executions in 2019. San Quentin has been featured in movies, books, podcasts, and more, and earlier in 2020 held…

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End the racist death penalty!

Race plays a decisive role in who lives and who dies in the United States. COVID-19 has devastated communities of color. Maternal mortality rates for Black women are horrifying. And the racial makeup of death row is starkly unjust.

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From Lynchings to Executions

This week, our allies at the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) released “Enduring Injustice: The Persistence of Racial Discrimination in the Death Penalty System.” For the ever-growing number of people who pay attention to justice issues, that blunt subtitle does not come as a shock. That doesn’t make this report — written by Ngozi Ndulue,…

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Lakeesha Eure, a black woman with locs, stands in a park smiling with a community member. The man is wearing sunglasses, a red shirt and blazer, and is taller than Lakeesha.

Filling Gaps to Save Lives

EJUSA Trauma and Healing Network member Lakeesha Eure is the director of the Shani Baraka Women’s Resource Center in Newark, NJ. Since co-founding the Newark Anti-Violence Coalition (NAVC) in 2009, Lakeesha has led community-based violence intervention efforts throughout the city NAVC was founded to empower Newark residents with social and political awareness, and to support…

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Austin Cuts its Police Budget By a Third

Reimagining Justice This Month | August 2020 Reimagining Justice This Month highlights stories about effective responses to violence – responses that disrupt cycles of violence, heal trauma, and address structural racism. Austin Cuts Its Police Budget by About a Third, The Appeal Austin, Texas, is diverting $150 million away from its police department to reinvest…

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