Maryland Campaign Accomplishments

  • developed and mailed an action alert to 25,000 Marylanders.
  • published an ad in a Sunday edition of The Sun in Baltimore with a readership of nearly a half million people; over 400 Marylanders signed the ad’s call for a moratorium, including three U.S. Congressional Representatives, the current and former Mayors of Baltimore, two county executives, filmmaker John Waters, and other prominent residents.
  • presented a clear and informed message to the media, the legislature, and the public that helped shape the moratorium debate.
  • contacted approximately 1,000 Quixote Center constituents in Maryland by phone, and coordinated with Amnesty International’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, which mobilized its state phone tree.
  • coordinated an e-mail group of coalition members and e-mailed up-to-date action alerts to hundreds of groups and individuals around the state.