An Eye on States

The near victory in Maryland demonstrated a new political strength for the moratorium movement. Grassroots support, which in Maryland included moratorium resolutions adopted by local governments representing the state’s three most populous jurisdictions, can indeed be translated into political change! Our Maryland campaign provided us intensive on-the-ground training which has enriched our organizing staff’s capacity to coach, mentor, train, and otherwise assist organizers in other states. In 2001, we provided training to groups in Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and Tennessee.

MORATORIUM NOW! also provided emergency assistance to advocates in NEVADA when its Senate unexpectedly passed a moratorium bill in April. We mobilized Nevadans to support the bill via phone banking and mailed an urgent action alert. While the moratorium ultimately failed to pass the state Assembly, a study bill was approved. We continue to provide needed technical assistance to the state coalition in its efforts to inform the study commission and prepare for the state’s next legislative session in 2003.