Healing Communities through Trauma to Trust

A vision of a world where violence is rare is EJUSA’s north star. As we work toward making that vision a reality, we must address the violence that over-policing inflicts on Black and brown communities — which sows enduring fear and distrust.

We invite you to watch a short video on Trauma to Trust, our groundbreaking initiative in Newark, NJ, that moves us toward this vision, by exploring and healing the trauma that policing so often inflicts.

Youtube video screenshot

 Trauma to Trust video

As a supporter of EJUSA, you know that our criminal legal system — fueled by racism and a fixation on punishment — creates and aggravates trauma.

Trauma to Trust reduces the harm caused by such trauma. Community members and law enforcement spend 16 hours together, delving into a series of difficult but necessary conversations about the​​ impact of police violence on communities of color. At the end of the training, residents and police officers report greater trust, empathy, and mutual understanding.

We thank Chubb for making this video possible and for its support of the soon-to-be-launched Trauma to Trust program in Baton Rouge, LA, and other efforts to replace a system anchored in retribution with one that produces healing and true safety for everyone.

Jamila Hodge

Jamila Hodge is EJUSA's Chief Executive Officer. She brings more than 15 years of justice experience to the organization with an aim of establishing EJUSA as a leader in building solutions to violence outside of the current system. Read More