Thirty years ago, my father was the victim of a brutal assault that had a lasting impact that no one in my family could appreciate in that moment. We all struggled in different ways. A big part of that struggle stemmed from not seeing ourselves as survivors of violence, and not having access to the kinds of support that everyone impacted by violence needs to repair harm (including the person who caused the harm). Elevating the needs and voices of survivors from marginalized communities is a cornerstone of EJUSA’s mission thanks to Shari Silberstein’s vision and work as our founder, and it will always be a north star for us. I wrote about the importance of identifying as survivors and much more. Please give it a read and share. And for those in NY, please go to https://oneclickpolitics.
Category: Uncategorized
How We Respond to Tragedy
About six weeks ago, Najee Seabrooks sent out a call for help. He texted his co-workers at the Paterson Healing Collective — an EJUSA partner and ally in the movement to build community safety — that he was in crisis and he needed them. Najee was trained as a healer and a violence interventionist, so he understood how they could help him and guide him through a serious mental health episode.
Before his teammates could reach him, the Paterson Police Department arrived. They were armed when they entered the apartment where Najee had barricaded himself. They refused to let members of the Collective talk to Najee, instead sending in a negotiator.
Najee didn’t need to negotiate. He needed healing, he needed a friend, he needed someone trained to support mental health. He needed his Paterson Healing Collective family.
The police only had weapons. And after several hours, the crisis escalated and two officers fired their guns, killing Najee.
The days that followed were agonizing. Our allies at the Collective were in deep, desperate pain after losing their brother.
A few days after his murder, the Collective gathered its community members and its grassroots partners for a protest and march. I knew I needed to be there so I took a train north from Maryland.
I went first to the Collective’s offices just down the street from Paterson’s city hall. I felt a powerful heaviness when I walked in. The staff hadn’t had time to even process their grief. And yet, there they were. Najee’s death compelled them to act.
Despite frigid temperatures, the community showed up strong. Allies from across the state and beyond showed up to support. And I was proud to see EJUSA’s Will Simpson and Zayid Muhammad take leadership roles in the protest.
One moment in particular stays with me. Liza Chowdury, the founder of the Paterson Healing Collective, was speaking and, of course, she struggled. Within seconds, Will, Zayid, and several members of the Collective surrounded her to support her in that raw moment.
In real time, I saw the EJUSA difference. It isn’t always about what we do as much as how we do it. We build trust, we build relationships, and we put our partners and communities first.
I also want to lift up Liza, the huge challenge she faces right now as she tries to heal from this pain and lead her team and demand accountability from the Paterson Police Department. She is not alone in trying to hold a demanding job while processing violence and harm every day in her community. I see Ruth Rollins in Boston and Sateria Tate in Baton Rouge and Michelle Smith in St. Louis, all of them heroic but also, we can’t forget, deeply human.
This work is so hard. We must support these women, who make history by changing the lives of the community around them, and we must resource their impactful work. They have brought transformation to their respective communities. And as recent events, including Najee’s murder, always remind us, the road ahead is wide with room for us all.
Newark’s Community-Centered Public Safety Ecosystem
In 2018, I left the Department of Justice after a dozen years as a prosecutor. I had seen our criminal legal system up close and came away certain that it was too big, too rigid, and too steeped in its racist origins to ever deliver true justice.
I wanted to find the solutions to violence, mass incarceration, and the trauma caused by both. After coming to EJUSA, I found them in one particular community.
Last year, in partnership with the City of Newark, NJ, and the Newark Community Street Team, we documented what a community-centered public safety ecosystem looks like and how residents from all corners of the city were taking ownership of their safety. We released a report to capture that story.
Today, I’m thrilled to share with you a multi-media digital platform that breaks that story into pieces with a feature docustory, other videos that you can share via social media, short descriptions of the crucial parts of the ecosystem, and more.
Here’s a great example, with some of the key leaders in the ecosystem, including our own Will Simpson and Lionel Latouche, describing what safety means to them:
I chose this video because that definition of safety is key. It’s not just the absence of violence. The presence of well-being is every bit as important — that means food security, quality education, good-paying jobs, and affordable housing.
The video is a great entry point into community-centered public safety. I hope you’ll explore the entire site and all the videos and share it with your networks.
Safety & Healing Session
The idea began with a question: What would it look like to accompany a church willing to match faith with deeds so they can meet the justice needs in their community?
The question that led to an idea led to a journey to Richmond, VA. I teamed up with Will Simpson, EJUSA’s director of violence reduction initiatives, and Rev. Nathan Walton, co-lead pastor of East End Fellowship in Richmond and a member of the EJUSA Evangelical Network advisors group. Nathan extended an invitation to some members of his congregation to come to three meetings we held beginning last December. We called them Safety & Healing Sessions.
In our very first session, an older Black woman brought on a moment of silence after asking with exasperation, “Why do [the police] have to bring guns to a basketball game?!” Her frustration stemmed from seeing police repeatedly escalate situations and the criminal legal system as a whole using the only tools at its disposal: punishment, fear, and control.
The room was filled with Black and white people; married and single individuals; those from a variety of age brackets. All were united around wanting to learn how to more effectively respond to violence in their community.
Another participant referred to “gang violence,” which Will Simpson acknowledged and then nuanced to frame the deeper issue. “This is a breakdown in how to handle conflict,” Will said. “At the root of ‘gang violence’ are people reacting to other people in violent ways. And we can give people the tools to navigate that. We know what drives violence and how to break its cycle.”
We expanded people’s idea of safety from an absence of bodily violence to the presence of well-being for all. And we looked at the drivers of violence – things like poverty, shame, and racism – because we can never reduce violence without addressing what causes violence. Racism is especially important, since we often classify it as a social ill, which it is, rather than it also being a heresy that attempts to overthrow the supremacy of Christ with whiteness.
The first session looked at violence and our criminal legal system – from policing all the way to capital punishment. Session two, in January, focused on healing and how the Bible expands our idea of safety and healing. The third and final session, in February, got practical with steps for a way forward.
Trauma is real and often more so than we suppose. We speak about the three E’s of how trauma is an Event, an Experience of that event through a certain lens, and an individualized Effect of that event over time. Healing begins when we see the Bible itself as a trauma-informed book. Trauma is a modern word and yet an ancient reality.
Consider the trauma of Jesus – a criminal, from Rome’s perspective – who was arrested, tortured, falsely tried, and executed by the state. The Bible’s proximity to the state and its arsenal of evil is as close as the God-man that Christians call “Savior.”
Consider Jesus’ answer to the question, “Who is my neighbor?” The answer is the parable of the Good Samaritan, which defines neighbor as anyone who has need. In our sessions we saw how the Bible calls us to both stumble onto people and seek out people in need.
We do this by living through a lens of restoration, always asking, in each sphere we are in, How can I live restoratively here? Micah 6:8 is the founding verse for the Evangelical Network, and it gives a blueprint of the themes that should describe how Christians live and love in the world: acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly.
The people in the room felt stretched by all of this. Those in the room had lots of questions, heart-warming and heart-breaking stories, and had not fully considered the ramifications of Jesus himself being incarcerated and how Christian churches do not have to use the government’s tools of punishment, police, and prisons as our only response to harm.
Our time in these Safety & Healing Sessions concluded by defining and calling the group to build community-centered public safety ecosystems. What this looks like is a community, a neighborhood, or a city centering healing after harm; people working in complex ways to address the drivers of violence; groups that are interconnected and centering those most affected by violence; and creating and maintaining sustainable funding streams to local groups.
This is indeed happening in places like Newark, NJ and Baton Rouge, LA. And groups in Virginia, and in Richmond specifically, are beginning that work. We pointed this church to these groups. Groups like the Virginia Community Violence Coalition, the Virginia Coalition on Solitary Confinement, and Richmonders Involved to Strengthen Our Communities.
East End Fellowship is part of a growing movement of churches engaging resources like the Evangelical Network’s Church & Justice tool and considering how to bring true safety, healing, and accountability that repairs to their communities. They are asking the hard questions and willing to not assume that the way things are is the way they should be. They’re reimagining public safety, and churches are one of the many partners it will take to build communities where violence is rare and well-being is present for all.
A Pillar of Newark
Meet our friend and activist Ms. Sharon Redding. I’m not alone in seeing her as a pillar of her city. She’s worked for the Newark Community Street Team since 2016 as a community advocate. Ms. Sharon is a vital voice connecting her community and its concerns with city and state leaders to build community safety and change the world. She is a consistent voice in Public Safety Roundtables, where she holds officials at every level of government, from the mayor and the chief of police, accountable for their responsibilities. Just as important, she brings information back to her neighbors to help them thrive, such as what NCST’s trauma recovery center offers or how to access other healing supports. Here are her own words on Newark and the future of public safety:
“I see a future of neighbors, community leaders, law enforcement, and the empathy we have for each other, all of us working together to keep everyone safe. I want my grandchildren and the children of our communities to go to school and play outside and to be safe as a Community — without being subject to gun violence, being assaulted, or hit by a stolen car. I see our Community getting stronger as the next generation understands the effects of trauma and knows what public safety in public hands means. As an elder in the Community, this is not a “Dream.” I see it as Reality for my neighborhood. Amen!!”
We’re so grateful for Ms. Sharon for her caring spirit, tenacity in holding leaders accountable, and willingness to support those in need of healing. Ms. Sharon is the TRUTH!
One Part of Transformation
After the dust settled on the 2022 elections, we spent the dark weeks of winter getting grips on the balance of political power across the country. And here we are. February. The plunge into legislative sessions is squarely upon us. Some states are already nearly done for the year, but the buzz is still loud and exciting. Coalitions are organizing and advocating in our statehouses, lobbyists continue to work behind the scenes, and legislators are dropping bills in virtual hoppers in capital cities across the country.
In 2023 Republicans control the house, senate, and governorship (aka the trifecta) in 22 states, Democrats hold a trifecta in 17 states, leaving 11 states with divided government. The landscape of possibility is vast and fraught with partisan divide and opportunities to cross the aisle. Even the trifectas open the door to collaboration with any willing legislator — thin majorities often still rely on moderate votes or bipartisan collaboration to pass bills.
As I look across the landscape again this year, I still spend, maybe too much, time obsessing about how policy can tear down what is harming communities while also expanding access to safety for all, especially those that need it most. I still question if and how statutory change can be transformational, when the job of statute(s) is to express the intent of the majority power. These things still keep me awake at night but I’m inspired and influenced by the work of M4BL, Project Nia, and the Movement Strategy Center, organizations that are feeding the collective imagination with deliciousness about what it means to transform out of our current system into a form that centers our communities. (Learn about those organizations below.)
At EJUSA we struggle together around the concepts of reform vs transformation in our policy work every day because we know that people who are criminalized are harmed every day and reforms that make specific fixes matter. At the same time, to get to the transformation we want, we must attack the root causes of violence, create authentic pathways to repair and heal from violence. That requires —- that’s more than just tinkering with the existing system —- we’re talking big, transformational shifts in how our governments and communities operate from day to day. I don’t have the answer or even think there is one right answer but what I do know is that it is more important than ever to interrogate the details and make sure our communities are at the decision-making tables.
Our work is in our streets and in the statutes. Our statutory battlefield was grown from slavery and weaved into our criminal legal system — from executions to mass incarcerations to police killings, and everything in between. But I want to be loud and clear here: policy work is only a small part of making change. It’s not a substitute for relationship-based community organizing, public protest, and community-based efforts. It’s a tactic borne of our organizing together, acting in service to the needs of our communities, responding to harm, and advancing successful strategies from the ground.
Let’s turn to 2023. What’s happening in our legislative chambers? With some major exceptions (looking at you California), state budgets appear to be robust. This is potentially good news for the continued evolution in how legislators and policymakers are understanding violence intervention and the drivers of violence. We’re seeing more and more states consider legislation to support financially, frontline intervention work through grant programs, federal dollars, and leveraging medicaid to pay for hospital based violence intervention work.
State legislative campaigns to abolish extreme sentencing in California and Ohio continue to gain traction. At the same time, states are considering a slew of regressive bills to increase punishment and shield police from accountability in states like New Jersey, Kentucky.
A glance at what we’re working on and watching:
Arizona: SB1475, a bill to abolish the death penalty. We don’t expect Arizona to repeal its death penalty this year, but the introduction and strong hearing in January are great stepping stones to moving the bill further in future sessions.
California budget: Continue the grant funding for indigent defense, and allocate funding for implementation of the California Racial Justice Act, including the necessary funding for defense counsel.
Ohio: (bill number tbd) a bill to abolish the death penalty in Ohio.
New Jersey budget: Continue and increase investments to fund community-based violence intervention strategies. This year, there is $15 million in the governor’s budget, a $5 million increase from previous years.
New Jersey: S2007, a bill to allow federal medicaid dollars to be used for community violence prevention services, such as those provided by hospital-based violence intervention programs.
New Jersey: S3086/A4978, a bill to establish the Violence Intervention and Victim Assistance (VIVA) office and appropriates $5.5 million for the office and its work.
New York: S214/A2105, a bill to expand access to victims compensation.
Federal Government: S40, a bill to establish a task force to explore reparations.
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The Movement Has Lost a Legend
“There is no reason to kill. No reason for me to kill, no reason for you to kill, and no reason for the state to kill.”
These are the words of Lawrence Hayes as he spoke at the “Live from Death Row Tour,” a national speaking tour with a focus on building opposition to the death penalty. Like most of his advocacy, Lawrence used his voice to share his story for change. He died this week after a lifetime of making that change.
Lawrence spent 20 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Upon his freedom, he dedicated his commitment to advocate against state-sanctioned murder. Sharing his story to highlight the injustices in the system that caused him harm at every corner of the process — from the treatment by police, the failure in the courts, and the treatment from the media regarding his case. A former Black Panther who knew what it meant to stand up for his rights and others. A leader that became a target even as he was a free man trying to point to the failures. He will always be a champion for the movement as he helped to shed the light on a system that doesn’t create safety, that harms, that needs to be abolished.
We thank him for his commitment and his contribution to the movement. May you rest in peace, Lawrence.
How Do I Talk to My Kids About Gun Violence?
Early last week I got an automated message on my phone from my kids’ school that there was an active shooter within two miles and that the school was under a shelter-in-place order from the Charlottesville Police Department. I went through the arc of emotions: fear to worry to curiosity to a trust in my kids’ school and to a realization that some important conversations were coming.
A few hours later the situation was “resolved,” the order lifted, and my kids – 7, 5, and 3 years old – made it home.
Tragically, the situation ended with the shooter being shot and killed by police.
Since the school wisely told the students very little about why recess was cut short and people had to run indoors, I prepared for the inevitable conversation with my kids about what went down.
Just the night before this shooting, Charlottesville’s new police chief held an open forum for the community to talk about the escalation in gun violence in our town, and many friends and colleagues spoke and cried and pleaded for solutions not rooted in violence.
The next day the police themselves were part of the escalation in gun violence. My oldest daughter asked me, “Dad, why did the police not talk to him? Why did they feel like they had to shoot him?”
I paused before answering, unsure how much to unload on her young mind. For our two older kids, my wife and I had already talked to them separately about the details of this incident. And this is less than three months after having to describe a man at UVA who boarded a bus and murdered three of our student athletes.
I told her: “Well, think about what’s on an officer’s belt.” We named the items: mace, handcuffs, nightstick, and, of course, a gun. “Those are all tools of violence and control. It’s all an officer knows to do and use. Those people who can talk and support and offer the help this man needed weren’t called.”
Because she’s 7, I skipped over how I think that police negotiators, who were indeed on the scene, are still police and not equipped with the tools and categories communities have to interrupt violence non-violently.
Policing does not keep all of us safe. Police officers try and sometimes do. But policing does not. I’ve worked to teach my kids to respect and honor police officers as people while holding that we as a family do not believe in policing.
Our kids see a noticeable disconnect with how we handle conflict in our home – which is to pursue acknowledgement of harm, acts of reconciliation, and change so the harm can’t happen again – and our society’s criminal legal system trinity of “public safety”: policing, prosecutions, and prison.
But we know there is another way. I’ve seen it in my community with our two local violence interrupter and conflict resolution groups: the B.U.C.K. Squad and Peace in the Streets. I’ve seen it with our city’s restorative justice program, Central Virginia Community Justice. I’ve seen it with organizations and groups and churches working to respond to harm with healing, to respond to drivers of violence like poverty, unemployment, and racism.
I then said to my daughter, “I wonder what big emotions this man was feeling that led him to firing a gun and pointing it at police officers? I wonder what could have helped this man feel and manage his emotions.” I let this sit a bit, saving for another time a talk about ways a society can better acknowledge trauma and work to heal it rather than to cage it, either literally or figuratively.
My hope is to create categories for my kids so that when violence happens we have some buckets established where we can dump emotions and questions that time and maturity will allow us to untangle with them.
Each family is different. There is no single right way to talk about this. I can’t imagine many people reading this who would be all in on how I did it. And I made sure to tell my kids this, that other families will say other things, that most families probably do not give as much detail to their kids as we do.
Here are some of my go-to guidelines to build a framework for safety that is not police-centered:
- Honor police as people while questioning policing
- Advocate for everyone being given chance and space to heal and reconcile
- Recognize that police and prisons exist to control and not to heal
- Err on answering all questions. If a kid is old enough to ask, they’re old enough to have some measure of an answer.
A three-fold rule of thumb to start building these categories is to talk to your children about how you handle things when harm happens in your own home; talk about what you want to see in society; and talk about whether police are able to reconcile those two visions.
Lastly, the first conversation about police and prisons needs to be before a public act or personal experience of violence.
You know things are sticking and that kids are working out the details of these complex issues when, like my daughter, they ask during our church service if they can pray out loud “for the mayor to stop prisons.” That’s a start, and I’ll take it! I’ll take my imperfect delivery and her imperfect processing over America’s obsession with confinement and control.
My kids are white, middle-class babies, and the likelihood of them experiencing violence is lower than most. It is less likely they will “come home to yellow tape,” as a colleague of mine said. So I have to carefully put them in proximity to that violence by the conversations I have with them, hoping that our society can use its collective will to have a posture toward harm that is one of healing and not choosing to perpetuate cycles of violence.
What I Know Today
They didn’t tackle me so much as deliver a hard body check. My phone — I was listening to a voicemail — fell to the ground but I kept my feet, off balance for a second before turning to face one of the guys mugging me.
We were under a street lamp on a normally busy Brooklyn block. The second guy stood behind me. He pressed his shoulder into my back, staying out of my view. I looked up the street toward the subway stop. People should have been coming home from work, but no one was within a few hundred yards. I was scared. I could feel my heart pounding.
The guy in front of me said, “Wallet.” I handed it over but asked him to take just the cash, that I would cancel the credit cards. He agreed but snatched my Metro card, and then my phone from the sidewalk before he and his partner walked away, calmly.
This was more than a decade before I joined EJUSA. I look back today and I’m staggered by how little I knew then about policing and prisons, about our national obsession with punishment, about violence and why it happens.
I look back today and know that these guys didn’t rob me because they were bored, looking for fun. Did they need money to buy some pizza? Did they need, or just want, new sneakers? Had they tried to find a job with no luck? Had they been mugged themselves, leaving them with the trauma of that experience?
They were young and Black and living in a gentrifying neighborhood. New condos and iPhones surrounding them, but nothing coming their way.
But what I knew back then — or what I believed — is the same thing so many of us, especially white people, have been taught: If something bad happens, you find the police. So I did.
My understanding of violence and the criminal legal system has transformed over the past four years working with Equal Justice USA, having talked with many survivors and sitting with the Newark community in our Trauma to Trust program to understand how trauma manifests. I recently took another leap while reading No More Police: A Case for Abolition, by Mariame Kaba and Andrea J. Ritchie.
The book’s introduction, by two activists from Minneapolis’s Black Visions, includes this: “Criminalizing people does not solve the problems we face in our communities; it simply recategorizes and attempts to hide them.”
Two cops took a description of the kid I saw and what happened. They drove me around the neighborhood in case the guys were lingering. One cop said, “You know what you should’ve done? Clocked one of them. They never expect that.”
For a second, I felt like a coward, as if I owed something to these cops and failed, that I hadn’t seen the path to stopping this attack. But only for a second. I knew I didn’t want to hit anyone. I didn’t see meeting violence with violence as productive.
I didn’t know then that the cop’s prescription for violence is the cornerstone of our legal system. At its most extreme, we execute people who have killed. The executed are disproportionally Black people; victims are most often white. There are also countless other harmful responses to violence via policing, prosecutions, and prisons. And we have collectively come to accept those methods as so-called justice — even though they inflict so much additional harm.
The book No More Police (you can read my colleague Jiva’s summary) put me back on that Brooklyn street with those two young men, who netted $80, a cheap flip phone, and a few rides on the subway. It put me in the 77th Precinct house, rifling through a thick binder filled with photos of young Black men, and then, in the weeks following, walking down that same block at night, looking over my shoulder, scanning the sidewalks to see how many people could see me. I traveled back to an evening, weeks later, when I found those cops outside my building, with a handful of new photos, one of which showed the guy I faced under that street lamp.
I couldn’t believe it. After identifying him, I learned that he was 18 and had robbed someone else in my neighborhood.
Eventually, I would testify before a grand jury that would indict the kid. Months later, I would get a call from the DA’s office. The lawyer wanted me to know that there would be no trial, that the young man who mugged me had pleaded guilty. “What’s going to happen to him?” I asked.
“He’ll probably get two to three years.”
I didn’t know that that was possible. It took me a few seconds before I could speak. “For 80 bucks? That’s crazy.”
The lawyer asked me if I wanted to submit a statement to that effect for the sentencing. As ignorant as I was of our harmful legal system, I knew that a sentence like that was awful, that it was going to damage this guy, maybe for life. That there had to be a different way.
Yes, I did want to say that two to three years was too much.
What happened to him? I asked that question again and again as I read No More Police.
I didn’t feel safer that night long ago, as I lay awake in bed after spending hours with the cops. I didn’t feel safer after the indictment or when I found out that a Black kid might spend nine days in prison for every dollar he took from me.
Ripping him away from his family, his friends, his community, none of that addressed the possible reasons that he mugged me in the first place: that he probably didn’t have money, that he had unhealed trauma, that he wasn’t getting the education that he needed, that he didn’t have much in the way of prospects.
His life could have looked entirely different if we lived in a country that addressed the root causes of violence and provided the healing and support that people who experience trauma, and who continue to carry historical trauma, need.
But we don’t.
Now I know.
Blocking Black History Is Just The Beginning
Black History Month ended yesterday. It’s traditionally been a month where we celebrate the achievements of Black people, some iconic and some lesser known but still vital to U.S. history.
Our history is deep, long, complex, and incredibly inspiring to me. It is also an important lens for our work, which is why the growing effort across this country to erase Black history is so distressing. These efforts seek to erase the truth about our nation’s failings on race and human rights. And without the precursor of an honest reckoning of this truth, we will never get to meaningful reconciliation.
I wrote about this problem for Essence:
Erasing Black history is damaging because these lessons are crucial to understanding the problems we’re facing and thinking through solutions for real change. For hundreds of years, Black Americans have walked a tightrope with little room for error and few second chances because our systems have controlled and oppressed us—and still do. These systems span every aspect of our lives, from healthcare to education and economic opportunities to law enforcement.
I hope you can take a few minutes to read the rest of the piece. More than anything, I hope you will remember that Black history can’t and shouldn’t be contained to a month. And we must fight for our history to build the equitable and thriving communities that make up true public safety.