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Colorado State Capitol building

Tell your lawmakers to support death penalty repeal!

Lawmakers will vote on the bill soon, and they need to hear from YOU.
New Jerseyans

It’s time to end violence and save lives in New Jersey.

Tell your representatives to vote YES on the New Jersey Violence Intervention Program.

Tell Kansas lawmakers to support death penalty repeal!

Legislation to end the death penalty has been introduced in the Kansas Legislature with bipartisan support.

Tell the Governor: No more executions!

Let Florida's governor know that it's time to end the broken death penalty.

Gov. Brown: Don’t leave people on death row

Sign the petition to ask Governor Brown to to remove as many people as possible from death row before he leaves.

Invite your friends in New Hampshire to help end the death penalty!

Share our action, and urge your friends in New Hampshire to contact their lawmakers and override Governor Sununu's veto.
Granite Staters

Tell your lawmakers to override the veto!

Governor Sununu has vetoed the death penalty repeal bill. Now lawmakers must vote to override the veto.
Tell Gov. Kasich: grant clemency to Ray Tibbetts

Stop the Execution of Ray Tibbetts

Join us in asking Governor Kasich to commute Tibbetts' death sentence.

Help end the death penalty in New Hampshire!

Sign the petition to Governor Sununu asking him to sign the bill and end the death penalty.
There's #TooMuchDoubt. Stop WT Montgomery's execution!

There’s #TooMuchDoubt. Stop the execution!

Ohio is scheduled to execute W.T. Montgomery, even though there are questions about whether he is guilty