I Am Troy Davis: Discussion and Study Guide

Want more tips?
To get more help organizing your own I Am Troy Davis book discussion, contact Equal Justice USA at info@ejusa.org or Amnesty International at dpac@aiusa.org.

How to Host a Book Discussion

  1. Choose a date for the discussion. Provide at least three to four weeks advance notice for everyone to have time to read the book:
    • If you are part of a book club, religious group, or school group, propose the idea of having an I Am Troy Davis book discussion.
    • If you’re hosting on your own, invite your friends. Keep the group size manageable – even a few friends is enough! More than 12 to 16 people could get unwieldy.
    • Provide a link for people to buy the book: haymarketbooks.org/pb/I-Am-Troy-Davis
  2. Before the discussion, set the tone:
    • Once everyone has settled, take time to make introductions if people in the group don’t already know each other.
    • Remind the group that a major goal of the discussion is to better understand one another’s views on the book, the Troy Davis case, the death penalty, and the criminal justice system overall.
  3. Facilitate an open and engaging discussion:
    • Use the discussion questions in this guide to structure your conversation, but feel free to skip some or add new ones desired.
    • Allow everyone the chance to participate in the discussion.
    • Manage interruptions. There will always be someone who breaks in while another person is speaking, usually due to enthusiasm rather than rudeness. Control the interruptions by saying, “Hold that thought, Sheryl. We’ll want to hear it again once Angie has finished.”
  4. After the discussion, ask your friends to take action:
    • This guide has a list of actions you and your friends can take if you are inspired to do so. If you have a laptop or tablet, pass it around during the gathering for people to act on the spot.
    • For more action ideas, contact EJUSA at info@ejusa.org or AIUSA at dpac@aiusa.org.

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